Plant Design / Lab Design

We are providing specialized and customized services to our clients in setting up their plant by guiding them with Design Support and Lab Design process also. Our team supports them in each execution step to ensure the best outcome from the design with maximizing the accuracy and effectiveness.

Lab Design & Training

Establish In-House / commercial LAB for physio-chemical and Microbiological Test as per Industry requirement. Standardize the testing methods as per product, Train Laboratory staff as per Standard norms. (vis. ISI, ASTA, AOAC, BAM, USP, BP, IP) Taking contract of Quality testing & run in-house lab under our well experience staff observation. LAB help to standardize your products, product line and also improve your product quality. With trained staff to follow G.L.P. (Good Laboratory Practice) to ensure system aliveness & increased productivity with high quality Training course to train Quality staff with our associate NABL approved commercial lab. Provide (GLP certified Chemist, Microbiologist, Food Technologist) Consultancy for N.A.B.L. Accreditation of LAB